Crimsafe partners with DVCS

Crimsafe’s Partnership With The DVCS

2 minutes read

In 2015, we began supporting the Domestic Violence Crisis Service (DVCS) in the ACT. It’s an incredible organisation that supports victims of domestic violence.

Having been in operation since 1988, the DVCS provides anyone subjected to family, domestic and intimate partner violence with 24/7 crisis intervention and safety planning. It also offers legal advocacy, access to emergency accommodation, security upgrades, case management and support to men to help stop their use of violence.

Last year, DVCS supported over 4,500 people and now employs almost 50 people. Each year, these numbers increase, primarily due to growing awareness of violence in the community and willingness for people to reach out for help.

DVCS is a non-government organisation and relies on funding, grants and corporate sponsors, such as Crimsafe. Over the last few years, together with our local supplier, Monaro Screens, we have provided funding, advice, support and service delivery to help increase home security for DVCS clients.

For some people, a simple lock change is all that’s needed. But, for others, the installation of Crimsafe doors and windows is necessary. Alongside Monaro Screens, we help DVCS assess the types of security screens required and ensure a prompt installation of our products.

DVCS tells us that it isn’t just about keeping someone out, but also about reassuring the person who was subjected to family, domestic and intimate partner violence they are safe, in their own home. This can often mean the difference between staying at home or having to relocate to somewhere else.

For further information on the DVCS and its work, or to make a donation visit –
