What to teach your kids about home security

What to teach your kids about home security

4 minutes read

As students return to school this week, it’s an ideal time to take a moment to teach your kids some essential home security tips, no matter how young or old they may be.

Before you begin teaching your kids about home security, it’s important not to scare them. Instead, let them know that you will teach them some important things about security in the home and assure them they’re not in any immediate danger.

Let’s look at five things you should teach your kids about home security.

Create a routine for securing the home

Before heading out – whether it’s off to school or heading to the shops – establish a straightforward locking up procedure that the whole family can be involved in. For example, you can delegate one area of the home to each family member or have one person check the doors while the other checks the windows. As a minimum, make sure that doors and windows are locked. If that’s not possible, make sure that security screens are in place.

Create clear rules about minimising risk

Create a set of rules for protecting your home, and ensure everyone knows it! For example, here are some rules we’d recommend teaching your children to minimise the risk of a break-in:

  • Keep the house keys in a safe spot away from windows and doors
  • Don’t leave house keys or garage buzzers in your car
  • Don’t give out your home address to people you don’t know or trust
  • Don’t leave the house if you’re home alone
  • Keep the doors and windows locked when you’re home alone or with siblings
  • Don’t post that you’re home alone on social media
  • Don’t lend your house key to anyone unless it’s a trusted adult

If you’re concerned that they’ll forget, you can always write up the rules and post them on the fridge or another spot that everyone is likely to notice – besides the front door, for example.

Make sure they know how to use the home security alarm system

If you have an alarm system in place, teach your children (if they are old enough) how to arm and disarm it. Showing them that you feel they are responsible enough to manage this responsibility will make them confident that they can protect themselves and be more ‘grown up’.

Have a plan in place for a possible break-in when they are unsupervised

Like the rules you have in place to reduce the risk of a break-in, it’s important to have a plan if they are home alone and feel unsafe. Here are some rules that you may want to consider:

  • Don’t answer the door to anyone who looks suspicious (people that haven’t been to your home before).
  • If anyone is sitting in their car outside the home, they should call the neighbours to alert them and tell them they feel unsafe.
  • If someone attempts to enter the home, they should lock themselves in a safe area and dial 000.

Have an emergency plan in place

Aside from a potential break-in, another significant threat to home security and your family’s safety is emergencies like storms and fires.

It’s crucial to have a safety plan in place. You can come up with this plan as a family, but it’s a good idea to go over essential things like staying away from doors and windows during wild winds, having an escape route in the event of a fire, and knowing where the first aid and emergency kits are in your home.

As an Australian made product, Crimsafe is specifically made to withstand the harsh conditions that our wild weather can throw at us. We also have a range of Safe-S-Cape emergency exits windows designed to provide your family with a secure yet quick and convenient way of exiting your property should an emergency event require it.

Final words

Teaching your kids about home security not only helps to ensure their safety in the home but also maximises your home security while promoting greater independence and responsibility.

If you’re looking for ultimate peace of mind when it comes to protecting your family, you can’t go past Crimsafe. So reach out to your nearest Crimsafe supplier for a free measure and quote today.
