As Australians are increasingly spending more time at home as they comply with the government’s stay at home and social-distancing recommendations, it is imperative to remain vigilant about security. It’s easy to become a little complacent about your security measures while you are at home, assuming that your presence will be enough to deter criminals. However, in uncertain times when emotional and financial pressures are increasing, break-ins occurring while the homeowner is home are becoming more and more common. In fact, the ABS reported that in 10% of break-ins, the burglar was confronted by the home owner.1 If you’re home a little more often these days, now would be a good time to review your home security. Here are some of Crimsafe’s tips to securing your home against theft even though you are home. Lock and Secure the Doors There’s a saying “A lock isn’t a lock if it’s not locked.” Don’t be tempted to leave the front door open while you are at home. Your presence won’t deter the most brazen of thieves if they see an opportunity. Take the time to inspect all of your exterior doors, ensuring the frames are strong and intact, and the hinges are protected. Intruders love sliding doors, so make sure yours are secure. You can go old-school with a bar or dowel in the tracks, or look to add a door sensor or glass break sensor. If you can, key all the doors to a single key. If you want to allow natural airflow through your home, a Crimsafe security screen would be the perfect solution. Lock the Windows Doors and windows are the most common point of entry, and we often forget to lock them correctly. Beef up your window security with key-operated locks, reinforced glass with security film, install window sensors. The most effective solution by far, which provides full protection while still being able to have your windows open is Crimsafe security screens. View our window range here. Light It Up Deter thieves by ensuring a clear line of sight from the street and ample outdoor lighting. Cut back any trees or scrubs that obscure your front door. If you haven’t already, install some sensor spotlights, put outdoor lights on a timer and report any broken street lights immediately. Make sure your house number is also clearly visible for first-responders. It also helps to leave a light or two on inside the home at night. Not only will it show that someone is home, but it will also create some light should you need to get up in the middle of the night. Lock the Garage Garages are becoming increasingly popular as a method of entry. If you’re coming and going throughout the day, it can be easy to leave it open for a short time. Even if your garage is detached from the home, chances are you have some things stored in there that are of value. Consider keeping the garage opener in the house, as burglars are known to steal these from your car to gain easy access to your house. Also cover windows to hide your goods, secure the garage with extra locks if possible, or consider a home automation system. Protect your Wi-Fi It’s not the first thing that comes to mind when we talk home security, but your personal and financial information is highly valuable to the right criminals. Additionally, if your home automation or security system is linked to your Wi-Fi, it can make your house more vulnerable to a break-in. To prevent your Wi-Fi being accessed, secure your wireless router, enable WPA encryption, rename and hide your network, use a firewall, install anti-virus software and use strong passwords. Get a Safe In the event that someone does access your home, ensure that valuables are out-of-sight and protected. An in-home safe will provide the necessary protection for everything from your jewellery to important documents like passports and financial information. Eliminate Hiding Places Don’t leave areas for intruders to hide around your home. Cut down trees and trim back overgrown bushes that a burglar may be able to use for cover. Opt for smaller bushes or flowers instead. If you have trees near windows, either remove them or reinforce those windows with extra security. Install a Security System A security system, with motion sensors and cameras, works as both a deterrent and a means to get justice should you ever be a victim to a break-in. We recommend a security camera system with a mobile app, so you can see footage in real-time and save it should you need to go to the police. We also suggest a security system have motion detection, night vision, Wi-Fi, two-way talk, storage and a waterproof casing for outdoor cameras. Use Home Automation Home automation can give you additional control and a sense of security when it comes to your home security system. Utilise technology to control your lights, door locks, security cameras, smoke alarms and other safety devices direct from the palm of your hand. Receive real-time alerts and live-stream you in-home security cameras. Here are just some ways you can use home automation to increase security: Schedule lights and/or your TV to turn on and off when you’re on vacation Scare away potential intruders with two-way talk through a smart doorbell Get an instant video feed whenever someone walks up your driveway Check on smoke or CO2 alarms and cancel false alarms from your smartphone. If you’re a little unsure of where to start, it’s best to sit down and identify which security measures are most important to you and appropriate to your home or business. Sources: ABS Crime Victimisation Survey 4530.0, 2018-19
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