You might be surprised to hear that 19% of Australian homes have some form of smart, connected devices in use. That’s almost 1 in 5 homes that have embraced this game changing technology. One of the most popular areas of innovation and development is home security. Whether it’s monitoring your home remotely, or securing a door with digital code access, there are many new ways to help secure your home against potential intruders and protect loved ones and your belongings. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular products. Home Assistant Chances are you’ve heard of Google Home or Amazon Echo. These and other home assistant devices are being adopted at an astonishing rate with estimates that 23% of the US adult population have one in their home. Home assistants are essentially voice-controlled speakers. The technology enables you to do everything from checking the weather and getting meeting reminders to listening to your favourite Spotify playlist – all from a simple voice command. They also act as smart home hubs, connecting other smart devices to allow you to use voice commands to control the security system, lights, temperature etc. Smart locks No smart home is complete without a smart lock. Removing the need for a manual key, smart locks give you complete flexibility when it comes to accessing the house as well as allowing you to monitor who is coming in and out. Crimsafe has combined the benefits of smart locking with the strength and security of our mesh screen doors to launch Crimsafe iQ. Cutting edge technology and a sleek design gives you security and flexibility in the palm of your hand. iQ-e offers a range of electronic locking functions including Bluetooth, keyfob, PIN code and programmable features via your smartphone. Check out our brochure for more information. Lighting Lighting is one of Australia’s most adopted smart technologies with many of the major brands offering a raft of connected light bulbs. Lots of lighting systems even connect directly to your phone without the need for a central hub. Ranging from basic on/off and dimming to specific colours to set the mood for your favourite Netflix show, smart lighting capabilities are rapidly expanding to cover all sorts of functions. Of course, similar to thermostats, energy efficiency is a bonus but smart lighting is also a valuable addition to your home security. Gone are the days of leaving certain lights on or setting a wall plug timer. Now your phone can ensure your lighting acts as a serious deterrent for intruders looking to enter unoccupied homes. Security cameras When it comes to home security, a smart camera is one of the best investments to give you peace of mind. Connecting to your phone, smart security cameras offer a wide range of features including facial recognition and two-way talk. Typically cameras will record and live stream 24/7 so you can view what’s going on at home wherever you are. And to ensure you’re not glued to the screen, it’ll send you a notification if there’s movement in places there shouldn’t be. Garage door controller Have you ever left the house, arrived at your destination and then wondered whether you closed the garage door? Get rid of any niggling doubts with a smart garage controller. One of the simpler, but highly effective smart devices, it connects to your current opener and allows control via a smartphone, tablet or computer. Leaving garage doors open is a home security threat as not only does it provide an entry point but also gives burglars a good look at what you’re storing inside. Cars have even been stolen from open garages whilst the homeowner was in. As people tend to have their phones on them most of the time, a smart garage door controller makes it super easy to keep your garage secure and your possessions out of sight.
Let The Hot Air Escape, Not The Kids. What You Need To Know About Window Safety Standards. 29 Mar 2022