Can Crimsafe be used for fire protection?

2 minutes read

Yes, Crimsafe can be used for fire protection.

If you live in a bushfire zone, it’s good to know that Crimsafe security screens can help to protect your home. Our screens have been specially designed to meet the requirements of Australian Standard AS3959-2009 Construction of Buildings in Bushfire-prone Areas.

The Australian Standard (AS3959-2009) requires screens that cover openings to be made of corrosion-resistant steel, with an aperture size that will not allow a circular probe of 2mm diameter to pass through. Crimsafe’s Tensile-Tuff® security mesh has an aperture size of less than 2mm, which can prevent the spread of embers and protect from the impact of debris.

Crimsafe has tested its security screens to meet the highest levels of bushfire protection. Crimsafe can be used in all bushfire zones, including the highest-level zone, recognised as Bushfire Attack Level Flame Zone (BAL FZ).

Our screens are also deemed an ‘alternative solution’ for fire attenuation. They can reduce the intensity of radiant heat by up to 59% (CSIRO test*) and protect glass from the impact of burning debris.

For fire attenuation use, a Fire Safety Report by a Fire Protection Engineer or Certifier is required. Read more about Crimsafe bushfire products and performance testing here.
