secure home

8 Tips to Secure your Home this Summer

3 minutes read

With summer now firmly on the horizon, it’s time to start thinking about how your security needs will change when the warmer weather arrives.

COVID-19 has no doubt forced you to rethink your plans to some extent – if you’re going away, the chances are that you’re staying somewhere in Australia.

Our advice is simple – the more doubt you can create in a would-be burglar’s mind, the better. If they think someone is home, then with any luck, they’ll keep moving and head straight past your property.

Here are our top eight tips to consider before you put your feet up on your well-earned staycation in Australia.

1. Buy a timer for your lights.
Set the lights to come on at the usual time you would normally put them on. If you’re feeling creative, put timers in different rooms and stagger the switch-on slightly by a few minutes.

2. Keep your garden trimmed.
As a minimum, give the lawn a cut before you head away, but preferably pull some weeds and trim the hedges. Nothing gives away the fact that no-one is home, more than an unkempt garden. If you’re going away for an extended period, consider getting a gardener to give your lawns a trim.

3. Get friendly with your neighbours.
You never know when that extra set of eyes may be needed. Even better, they might put your bins out and collect your mail too, or park their car in your driveway.

4. Invest in a security camera or two.
For a modest investment, you can head to Bunnings and pick up a security camera system that connects to your WiFi and can be set up through your mobile phone. You can even link these to an alarm system that triggers when the camera detects a burglar.

5. Make sure everything is locked.
Perhaps the simplest bit of advice, but often the most overlooked. When was the last time you checked that utility room door? Or the garage window?

6. Reduce temptation.
Make sure that anything remotely valuable is not on display. Simple.

7. Think carefully about social media.
While it’s tempting to ‘check-in’ at the airport or beach through your Facebook account, it’s also a great way of advertising that you’re away from home. One idea, is to save the posts and photo albums until you get home.

8. Secure your doors and windows.
If a burglar gets up close and personal, having intruder-resistant security screen doors and windows can make the difference. Investing in quality, Australian Made security screens, such as Crimsafe, will not only protect your home while you’re away but give you peace of mind while you’re at home.  

From the front door to your windows, Crimsafe’s industry-leading security screens are custom-designed to protect any home. 

Find the nearest authorised Crimsafe dealer in your region.
