Building or Renovating

Renovating or Building? Plan Your Home Security Sooner Rather Than Later

3 minutes read

When it comes to home security, there’s no doubt everyone wants the same – a safe and comfortable home to live in. What can vary dramatically, is how much priority people give to planning and budgeting to make their dream a reality.

Commonly considered safety items include security screens on doors and windows, an alarm system, deadlocks and increasingly, home monitoring cameras. In almost every case, the sooner these items are considered in the building or renovating process, the easier and more affordable it will be to integrate them.

Security Screens

Deciding on security screens is sometimes overlooked in renovations and new build homes due to countless more ‘immediate’ decisions requiring attention. It’s understandable that choosing your bathroom tiles and basin taps is a distinct priority when the builder is threatening to pick these himself if you don’t hurry up!

Nevertheless, security screens are important to consider as soon as possible. Not only can your choice of screening product have a drastic impact on how safe your home will be, but it can also affect how well your home captures breezes, how well it deals with insects and pests, and how good it looks from outside and inside. Anyone who’s looked into the vast array of security screens available will know that they’re definitely not created equal.

Security Screens vs Fly Screens

An issue many people come across when building or renovating is whether to choose security screens or fly screens. Whilst the latter is generally a cheaper option, fly screens can still eat into your building budget. People sometimes opt for fly screens upfront with thoughts of upgrading to security screens later on. That’s understandable, however, it’s important to also be aware that in many cases fly screen frames cannot be re-used to hold a security screen. So in effect, you can end up doubling up and throwing away good money.

As a result of this extra cost, people sometimes end up sticking with fly screens long term. This can inadvertently compromise the safety and security of their home and their family. It’s a familiar trap that can possibly be avoided by planning and budgeting for security screens upfront.

Flyscreens come with some other drawbacks you may want to consider too. Apart from offering little to no security or protection, fly screens on doors are easily damaged by pets and curious toddlers.

Perfect match

Something else to consider regarding security screens is the aesthetics. After painstakingly designing and building your beautiful new home or costly renovation, the last thing you probably want is for it to look like you’ve added screens as an afterthought. By considering the choice of security screens upfront, you can make sure you are selecting windows and doors that are best suited to incorporating a high quality, architectural security screen product such as Crimsafe. You can even choose to perfectly match the same powder-coated colour for a seamless look that perfectly complements your windows and doors.

The final word

Building or renovating your home can be hugely rewarding, but the journey to your dream home can also be filled with stress and uncertainty. The biggest causes of stress cited are the sheer volume of decisions that need to be made, and what impact these choices will have on your budget. Early in the process, it’s a good idea to think about home security and how big a priority it is for you and your family.

